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A Sweet Choice: How Chocolate Works as a Nutrient Delivery System

A Sweet Choice: How Chocolate Works as a Nutrient Delivery System

Have you heard the phrase, “You are what you eat?” Turns out, there’s more truth to that than one might think. When you sit down to your favorite dinner, the food on the table isn’t there just to quiet your growling stomach. Eating provides the body with the essential nutrients it needs to function at its very best, and the food we eat is the ultimate delivery system for these nutrients. But not all foods are created equal when it comes to nutrient delivery. Some work as powerhouses when getting difficult-to-absorb nutrients into the body, including one that might pleasantly surprise you: dark chocolate.

Dark Chocolate contains lipids, or fats, which play a key role in helping the body absorb nutrients more effectively. When consuming chocolate along with nutrients that are typically hard for the body to absorb, such as certain vitamins or minerals, the lipids in chocolate act as carriers that aid in their absorption.1 Essentially, dark chocolate acts as a facilitator, making it easier for the body to take in these crucial nutrients. This makes dark chocolate a valuable tool in enhancing nutrient bioavailability, or how much of the nutrient your body can use after it's been absorbed.

The Liposomal Advantage
Liposomes are lipid spheres that act as a sort of shield for nutrients. They enable efficient absorption by facilitating cellular membrane penetration, which results in higher bioavailability compared to standard nutrient forms.

So, what is dark chocolate’s liposomal potential? Rich in natural lipids that mimic the liposomal structure, dark chocolate’s lipids create a protective barrier around nutrients which enhances solubility and stability of encapsulated compounds.

By utilizing dark chocolate as a liposomal nutrient delivery system, you can provide yourself with a slew of benefits, including: improved nutrient absorption and utilization; higher bioavailability of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants; better stability and shelf-life of sensitive nutrient compounds; and efficient targeted delivery to cells and tissues.

Dark Chocolate’s Other Benefits
In addition to its liposomal properties, chocolate offers many other benefits outside of its delectability. Dark chocolate also works as a palatable delivery method for enhanced patient compliance2, and natural antioxidants — such as flavanols — offer added health benefits. 

So, next time you reach for that Hersey’s bar at the supermarket check-out line, remember that you’re reaching for more than just a sweet treat. Dark Chocolate is an indulgent experience for your overall health and well-being.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8472086/
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928098720300804